Planmeca CBCT machines

All Planmeca dental CBCT machines support three different types of 3D imaging, as well as panoramic, extraoral bitewing, and cephalometric imaging. Enjoy high 3D image quality – always at an optimal patient dose.

Planmeca Viso G3

Planmeca Viso® G3

Multifunctional CBCT imaging unit offering high-quality 3D images of the entire dentition. Freely adjustable volume sizes from 3 x 3 to 20 x 10 cm.

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Planmeca Viso

Planmeca Viso® G5

Versatile imaging features for an even wider community of CBCT imaging enthusiasts, offering freely adjustable volume sizes from 3 x 3 to 20 x 17 cm.

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Planmeca Viso

Planmeca Viso® G7

State-of-the-art combination of innovative patient positioning, fantastic usability, and outstanding 3D image quality – with freely adjustable volume sizes from 3 x 3 to 30 x 30 cm.

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Planmeca ProMax 3D Classic

Planmeca ProMax® 3D Classic

Provides a clear view of the mandible and maxilla, as the unit’s 3D imaging sensor covers the entire dentition.

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Planmeca ProMax 3D Plus

Planmeca ProMax® 3D Plus

A great choice for capturing more than just the dentition, with an extended variety of volume sizes available.

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Planmeca ProMax 3D Mid

Planmeca ProMax® 3D Mid

With a wide volume size selection, this CBCT imaging unit is most suitable for e.g. ENT imaging and 3D orthodontics.

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Planmeca ProMax 3D s

Planmeca ProMax® 3D LEC

The gateway to the Planmeca ProMax® 3D family, the LEC is a full-featured 2D and 3D imaging system.


Premium image quality

Packed with intelligent high-tech solutions and algorithms, all our 3D dental imaging units offer an effortless imaging process and crystal-clear images — also at a low dose. The units have been designed to prevent human errors in CBCT imaging, with options for correcting movement, reducing artefacts and removing noise available.


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Premium image quality

Automatic patient movement correction

As the first end-user solution for patient movement correction in the industry, the Planmeca CALM® algorithm not only saves time for clinicians but also guards patients from unnecessary exposures. It works with all volume and voxel sizes and only adds under 30 seconds to the overall reconstruction time. The algorithm is available as an option for all our CBCT imaging units.

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Automatic patient movement correction Planmeca CALM

Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging

Our unique Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol is the world’s leading method for acquiring CBCT images at low effective patient doses. It allows clinicians to gather more information than from standard 2D panoramic images at an equivalent or even lower patient dose without a statistical reduction in image quality – as proven in various scientific studies.

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Planmeca Ultra Low Dose imaging

Comprehensive imaging software

Planmeca Romexis® is the leading software platform for dentistry. It provides a rich set of tools to meet the imaging requirements set by any dental facility – from a small clinic to a large hospital. The software supports all 2D and 3D dental imaging as well as CAD/CAM work and offers an extensive range of tools for all specialities and specialists.

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Planmeca Romexis imaging software

Versatile dental imaging

All our CBCT units allow you to flexibly choose the appropriate voxel size, resolution and exposure value. In addition to CBCT imaging, they support panoramic 2D imaging, as well as several other imaging options – from Planmeca ProFace® photos to 3D model scans. Specialist protocols designed for specific diagnostic tasks, areas and target sizes are also available.

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Download the ebook

Planmeca ProFace

Optimize your clinic’s efficiency with real-time insights

Boost your clinic’s efficiency with helpful data from your equipment. Planmeca Insights™ gives you real-time information on device status, usage, and maintenance, whether you have one device or many.

Use Planmeca Insights to e.g.:
- See current device states and activity
- Access summaries and drill down on help and error messages
- Examine imaging workflows or view usage summaries from specific time periods
- Download log files for individual devices
- Examine imaging parameters and dosage information for specific imaging sessions

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Other Planmeca imaging products

Planmeca panoramic imaging

Panoramic imaging

The most advanced and versatile 2D imaging units on the market.

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Planmeca intraoral imaging

Intraoral imaging

Small in size and high in quality – ideal for capturing images without compromise.

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Planmeca cephalometric imaging

Cephalometric imaging

Advanced equipment and software for all orthodontic needs.

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